Optimist European Champs

These are running from 12th - 19th July and will interfere with our sailing that week and especially on Saturday 19th. We have no information from DBSC yet.


We have received an invitation from Clontarf to there upcomming week-end, our nornal Saturday visit for their 'brack' can't happen this year!

Register to

Dates finally agreed with S.L.Y.C

After much to-ing and fro-ing we have set the week-end of 16/17th August for our annual team racing event, this year being held in Dublin Bay

RAYC Bloomsday Regatta

A note from RAYC:
"The Royal Alfred Bloomsday Regatta which takes place this Saturday 14th June. Please note that there is no Dublin Bay Racing that day and there is an earlier start time of 11.30a.m. The Dinghy course will be located in the Seapoint area. We lookforward to seeing you in the Royal Irish Yacht Club apres sail, where there will an excellent atmosphere with the additon of the ICRA fleet."

Information on the Bloomsday Regatta is HERE

Notice and entry form available HERE

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